Sunday, December 19, 2021

What If Depression Catches You??

 Whether it's situational, seasonal, or random, everybody finds themselves under the weight of depression sometimes. 

You can wallow in it. Or you can act to rise above it. 

Depression is a manifestation of brain a

nd body chemistry. Brain and body chemistry changes with time, eating, drinking, moving the body physically, with mental, emotional, and physical stimulation, which can be initiated with changes in surroundings. 

Nudge change in the positive direction with mental or physical stimulation by just DOING SOMETHING.

It won't fix everything but it can get you in your way.  Get up, do something.  Here are some things that have been helpful to others.

I. Take a shower. 

As long or short as you want. Hot or cold. Maybe with some smelly soap or shampoo. Scrub or don't. Just get up and do it 

II. Put on clean clothes. 

Comfortable things. Fun things or warm things or pretty things or funny things. Just get dressed.

III. Clean or organize something.

It can be a big thing like a closet or a little thing like a drawer. A shelf. Your backpack.  Clean the shower. A bookshelf. A nightstand. Sweep a floor. Dust the ceiling fans. Clean off a tabletop. Your car floor. A corner of the garage. Under a sofa. Any little thing. 

IV. Nurture something.

Do you have plants? Water them. Dust the pots. Pick off dead leaves. Stir up the top of the soil a bit. Talk to them. Name them.  If you have it, give them some fertilizer. Look up what the are and where they grow in nature. 

Do you have pets? Cuddle them. Clean up their food area. Give them treats. Plump up their bed. Find their toys and play with them. Talk to them or sing to them. Tell them a story or read to them. 

Do you have kids off in their own worlds? See if they need help with homework or want to organize a closet or do a craft or play a game or anything on this list.

V. Listen to music.

If it makes you sadder, switch until you find something upbeat. Dance. Get up a let your whole body dance. Or at least move body parts from your chair. Find lyrics and follow along. Find videos of live versions. Find videos of interviews with the artists about the songs. 

Vi. Make food. 

Search the kitchen and pantry for ingredients. Find recipes that use them. Open cans and heat things. Make boxed mixes or rice or soup or pancakes or oatmeal or popcorn. Sit down and eat with no distraction and notice the flavors and textures. Clean up and enjoy watching each item get clean. 

Vii. Make something.

Write a list or write a haiku. Write longer poems. Write a story. Write a memory that was happy. Sketch something. Make squares of office paper and fold origami things. What art supplies are available? Markers, paints? Clay?  Watch craft videos. 

Viii. Go outside. 

Dress for the weather. Stand still and inventory all your senses. Walk in some direction (take your phone.). Look closely at things, plants, building details, how signs are out together, different kinds of doors. Touch things. Listen. Greet people. 

Ix. Go for a drive.

Just head in some direction. Make sure you have your phone so you can navigate back. You'll see interesting or pretty things. But if you don't, pick a thing to look for. Big trees, dogs,  yard ornaments, different kinds of street lamps, flowers.  

x. Go to a library. 

Look up a topic that's always interested you. Or just browse the stacks and read titles. Ask a librarian what's popular or for their  recommendations. Look at bulletin boards and displays they've put together. 

Xi. Be a tourist.

Go to a nearby attraction like a museum of art or history or some topical museum, a zoo, a botanic garden, a sculpture park, a nature center, a famous building, a state capital or county seat building. Look and absorb or actively look for information to learn. Greet other visitors. Think of a question to ask staff.

Xii. Call somebody and chat.

Think up a thing so you can say "this reminded me of you" so it won't feel funny to have called. You don't have to admit you're depressed or talk about you.  Ask questions about what they are working on and the people in their lives. Ask followup questions. Keep asking.

Xiii. Call a friend and say "Let's do something." 

You don't have to have a clue what that might be before you call because you'll plan together. It doesn't have to be right now but you can plan for the future. It doesn't have to be a big deal. It can be a walk around the block, going for coffee, going to the drugstore for odds and ends, just getting together right away or planning to later. If it doesn't work, at least you connected. And then you can do something on your own anyway.

The key is to move. To do. To make your own distractions. To move your thinking outside your head into the world. To think about now with intention and let that move your thinking into a future.

Get up and do anything. Be. 


Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Isaac the Eater and Wesley the Playful

It's a tale like many others, it but has lessons for us nonetheless:

There was a town whose people feared a dragon that lived in the woods on the north side of town.

There were frequent skirmishes with much sword swinging and rock flinging and harsh harsh words during which the dragon would disappear into the dense foliage of the many trees and the townspeople would trudge wearily home, angry and sad that the threat of the dragon persisted, disappointed that they had failed in their mission to be rid of the dragon.

One day after a halfhearted effort to lure the dragon out of the woods into the open meadow with taunts and threats, the people gave up and gathered at the town's picnic grounds to share a meal together and tell stories and make plans. 

The head cook brought out roasted meat sandwiches and young Isaac, age 2,  and his brother Wesley, age 7 and graduate of Kindergarten, each took a sandwich, as did all the adults. The head cook soon brought out another platter, and everyone except Wesley took a second. Younger Isaac however, was not finished and did take a second meat sandwich. Later, the cook brought yet another platter and again little Isaac took a sandwich and bit off a bite. Ooh he can't eat three the people said, as they each took another to prove they could keep up with the little lad. But he did, and more. Plate after plate, the cook brought sandwiches and the wee Isaac took one and the adults took one until all the adults were so full they could not move. Soon they drifted off to an overfull dreamy slumber, leaning this way and that upon each other.

Surprised to find himself unsupervised by adults, Isaac finished off his last sandwich, picked up his small stuffed toy dinosaur in one hand and took his brother's hand in the other, and they wandered off. North, as it would happen. When they got to the shady woods, they saw many ferns. They started to make up a little song about living under the arching fronds with toads and chipmunks. 

Soon the curious dragon heard their voices and came to see. The children saw the dragon peeking out from behind the trees and waved. Little Isaac just happened to wave with the hand that was holding the dinosaur toy and the dragon asked if the toy was a dragon like her. The children move closer to show the toy to the dragon and explain what they knew about dinosaurs, which was a great deal. Isaac told the dragon that the toy dinosaur was named Cow. The children and the dragon played some games and sang some songs and made up stories together.

Eventually some adults woke up and saw the boys were missing and roused the others and they set off to try to find them. After some misguided wandering south, and then east, someone got the idea to try to see if the Archie the hunting dog could give them a clue.  They let the dog sniff the children's naptime blankets and pretty soon Archie headed off north. The adults followed. When they near the edge of the woods, there they saw the children playing with the feared and hated dragon and they hollered at Wesley and Isaac to come here, come here.

The children obeyed of course but before they went to the adults, they each took a hand of their new friend the dragon and brought him toward the gaggle of adults. At first the townspeople were horrified, but then the boys and the dragon started to skip and sing a song they'd made up.  That's when everyone realized the error in their ways about the dragon and started asking the dragon questions and getting their pictures taken with the dragon. There were high fives and cheers and the dragon allowed herself to be petted and even gave a few of the smaller people short rides.

Isaac the Eater and Wesley the Playful are all grown up now but the people still enjoy a lovely relationship with the dragon. The dragon comes to tell them when the various woodland fruits and berries and nuts are ripe and the townspeople bring the dragon sweet treats now and then.  The people have picnics at the edge of the woods and invite the dragon to picnics in their town square and the dragon participates in their parades and celebrations. Sometimes they have an outdoor play or concert so that she can enjoy some entertainment with them.


There are some morals of the story there for you if you bother to look.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Grand Reopening 2021

 It's been a long time. Who knew when we closed our doors that evening after the 2019 Candlelight Shopping event that it would be nineteen months before we opened for business again? 

We're opening the doors at 11:00 a.m. on July 15, 2021. 

If you're fully vaccinated, welcome on in. If not, I ask that you wear a facemask over your nose and mouth.

I'll have all the new jewelry, from the antler tip pendant, many styles of silver earrings, the leafy creature pendants, the new earrings and pendants with bezel set fossil stones, and a full range of sizes of bezel set stones on finger rings. 

The science that brought us effective vaccinations is truly a wonderful thing. 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Rings Rings Rings

 Offering finger rings can be tricky. If you see a ring you just love, but it's not your size, you get angry at me and go away sad!  So we must have a pretty large inventory and full range of sizes to keep peace! 

Well, Covid certainly did suck, but isolation gave me production time!

I'm also offering a new service. I'll have cards for each guest to fill out and take home or leave in my file. We'll measure each of your fingers for your ring size and record it on your card.

I'll have separate little display boxes of each size so you can shop according to your measured sizes. 

Does that sound like fun?