The radio was a large plastic thing that perched on the fashionable curved-corner shelves at the end of the ultra-modern kitchen cabinets in the new ranch-style house. Many a news reports that came from it at the level of my young ears as I sat on the kitchen floor included bits about the latest body count from the Veitnam war or the most recent arrest or activity of the civil rights movement. We were in the height of the "Please please don't be a litterbug" campaign and I remember the snappy commercials. 'Women's Lib' was a cool new thing and I was proud to own a more realistic 'Tammy' doll and not a 'Barbie'. I aspired, ever since then, to boldly and proudly join in a protest on the capitol* lawn for some noble cause, for civil rights, for women's rights, for the environment, or against a war. So on deciding to break in spring at the nation's capital* I had high hopes of chancing upon some worthy cause for which I could join the fray and hold up a borrowed sign while my son photographed some wide shots and some close-ups of me and my fellow protestors. Ah, I would be doing my part to change the world for the better! Now I do not know the means for determining who gets the use of the capitol lawn for the expression of their particular sentiments, but that process, so far, has not been on the side of furthering my dream. I will not tell you the issue on the lawn this week; I will leave it to you to click to zoom in on the photos.
It IS an awe-inspiring place of history and ideals that set this country in motion, some quite fine and some of rather questionable motive and ethics, but still, this is where it happened, and there is a monument to honor it all. And we have walked to most of them and back! My feet are tired but what a trip!
*Notice how I am fitting in as many occurances of the word so to prove I DO know how to spell it.**
**Julie, if you are reading, I stole the footnote idea from you. Thanks.***
***That would be Julie at - click on BLOG to read and ART to see samples of her, well, art.
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