My son and his friends needed a ride to the kitten fights in downtown Chicago, so I agreed to drive.

You could tell we were in the right place, due to all the people with their shoe boxes with the airholes.

We got there early,

so the kids left me with their kittens while they found a bite to eat.

The line was long for check in, but that was an excellent chance to meet people and there were carts to hold your kitten carriers if you needed them. After check in and number and match rotation assignments,

rules were explained at the fighting cages in the auditorium.

Modern technology allows odds to be quickly calculated on each kitten as various data points are entered into computers. You can enter your smaller bets into automated machines that pay out in coins when you read your card in after a fight round. For fun, I put $2 on my son's kitten and won $8.75.

Most people treat their breeding cats and kittens well, but there is some cruelty, just like in other fighting and racing sports. Sometimes, the losing kittens get abandoned like these on cafeteria table or this poor one left in the garbage. It was an exciting evening in the Windy City!
Excuse me? I don't see any "air holes" in the boxes. Not only is this a cruel, cruel "sport" but the cute kittehs must be half dead before their "fights"! Unbelievable.
Seriously, where were the pictures taken and what was going on?
Whoops. My bad. Shoulda read from bottom up this time... No explanation necessary...
Now, Chuckles, get a sense of humor. First, check my labels - I always label the fiction peices fiction. Call PETA back and tell them to stay home.
And just imagine what would happen if you put two strange kittens in a cage together. First they would sniff each others' butts then they would rub up against each other, then one would bat the other ones tail then they would slap at each other, then one would pounce on the other and they would grab each other into a hug and role around the floor fake scratching and fake biting at each other while the crowd roared and then one would break away and pounce back in to go at it again for a bit and after a while one would get distracted by a smear on the tank glass and pounce on that instead and they would wrestle some more and then look for things in the corners and then they would get sleepy and lick each other for a while before they napped curled around each other. Just the IDEA of a kitten fight made us about laugh our butts off and finding stuff to support the story made the waiting fun.
Now, there are serious issues with such cruel things as cock and dog fighting and those need to be stopped and there is cruelty in the greyhound racing business and if you ever think you might want a dog, adopting a greyhound might be a good idea. I knew one once that was just the sweetest dog! Mild mannered and easy to train and just very affectionate. Otherwise, get pets from shelters, take adult pets instead of kittens or puppies if you can, because those ones get euthanized while almost all the babies get adopted, and spay and neuter all pets to keep there from being more surplus. There, does that help make up for my bad taste in joking about kitten fights?
OK, I bought it.
Funny stuff.
It was so out of character, yet I wondered....
Is there a side of Karma I don't know.
Even I was offended for a moment, Kittens....??
Thanks for the laugh. I will now steal this with full attribution and entertain my less than PC friends with it.
And if you came here from Gene's Northern Gleaner blog, you should go to and read the entry just past this one to see what was REALLY going on.
Actually, we do have a kitten fight every now & then at PetsMart on Friday evenings. Nothing serious, though! Yes, do adopt if you are considering a pet. Greyhounds are notoriuous couch potatoes;they've put their time in. PetsMart in Geneva is having a dog adopt-a-thon tomorrow. HELP's cat adopt-a-thon will be on the east side of St Charles.
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