Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Secret Codes for "I Care About You"

A father comes to the kitchen where his daughter is studying and gets himself a bowl of ice cream and brings her one with chocolate syrup without even asking. A mother gets up and makes sure her son takes a breakfast bar and hugs him before he leaves for the schoolbus even tho he is old enough to remember breakfast on his own. In a house with multiple cats, when the girl is sad or upset, the brother offers to bring her 'a kitty' to cheer her up. A son comes upstairs and plays the song he has been working on to his mother then goes back downstairs without a word. A man emails his friend old songs when he knows she is in a bad mood. A woman shovels her neighbors walk before work each time it snows. A coworker bakes cakes for his office mate. She leaves candy bars on his chair. A family buys an extra loaf of bakery bread and leaves it on the door of their neighbor. A mom pick up her daughter's dry cleaning and put it in her closet in her house. A sister leaves a book in a bag on her sister's back door knob when she finishes reading it. A teacher puts a flower in water in a vase on another teacher's desk. A woman keeps popsicles in her freezer for when the neighbor kids come by.

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