Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Special Flower

Nodding trillium (Trillium cernum) is much more rare than the similar white trillium (Trillium grandiflorum) and I have seen it only once in the wild and once again in this garden behind Rolli's building. It is wonderful with its waxy center and pure clear white petals, but few see it since it faces the ground. But the point of the flower is not for us to see it, now, really, is it? The point is for it to be seen by its insect pollinators. These include beetles which would be crawling along the ground and be attracted to the scent of the nectar, and bumblebees which often have barely enough warm and energy to fly in the early spring and so buzz along a few inches over the ground cover and so might actually fly up to visit this flower.


Chuckles said...

Great photos. Great commentary. I'd recommend a separate blog just for flowers...

goprairie said...

are you saying this one has some higher purpose than just pretty flowers? try www.allprairie.blogspot.com but then that one has an agenda too.