Saturday, April 26, 2008


The artist is a filter. Never can everything about a place or thing be put down on paper. Even in a photograph, only what is fit within the confines of the image area is shown to the viewer. In this way, the artist edits out what is distracting to show the viewer something important about a place or thing. One photograph or painting might make you see the structure of the building by making you look at it square on and see the symmetry and the specific angles, things you miss by moving around it too quickly or looking from just one side. Another photograph or painting might show you the rusted lock on the door or the spider web in the window, details you might miss in looking at the very large building. A good artist makes you see these things but also makes you realize you are seeing them such that next time you are near a building, you might stop to look at it square on to assess the geometry and you might walk up close to discover the details. It is nice to sell a work of art, but it is nicer still to have someone look at your art and say “I never noticed that before!” That is success!

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