Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Okay, so maybe it isn't THAT obvious! At the bottom of the post, it says 'comments' with a number in front. Usually '0' and that is what we hope to remedy! Click on it. You will be taken to a page with a box on the right. Type some fluffy words there. Move your cursor down. There is a funny looking word over a little box. That is called 'word verification' and it is to prevent kooks from putting advertising onto other peoples' blogs with automated programs. You have to figure out what the sqiggly or wavy letters are and type them into the box. I hope the sqiggly waviness does not trigger any drug flashbacks for anyone. Below that, you have to click on a way to identify yourself. If you have a Google blogger login, you should not be reading this cuz you know how. If not, you should click the circle by 'Name/URL' and then fill in a fake name that will give me a clue who you are, then click on the orange button that says "Publish Your Comment". Your comment will not show up right away because I have to read it and approve it because some weirdo saw my comments supporting gay rights on some other blogger's post and tracked me down and was putting in mean stuff, so I know it is less fun to have to wait to see your comments, but the mean guy wrecked that. Anyway, thanks for letting me know you were here!


Anonymous said...

ok, this is just a bit too much... a 'how to comment' blog with NO comments!! C'mon peoples. But no worries- I'm here to the rescue!
~Agent April Sky

Paddle said...

Why is the font size of this post smaller than all the rest?

goprairie said...

4 people emailed me that they didn't know how to comment, so that was my attempt to accommodate.

the smaller font is me trying to make it take less room on the blog because it is embarrassing to write such a post.

and i do not know if accommodate or embarrassing are spelled right. I am sooo dependent on spell check!