Tuesday, April 29, 2008

One Hundred

This is my one hundredth post. What started as a whim at the suggestion of a friend who has his own infrequently posted on blog (yes, that is a challege for him to post more) was spurred on by the admonitions of another friend who has his own (too frequently posted on?) blog who said if you aren't going to post every day, you may as well not start. I hoped you readers would comment more, for those zeros make me think no one is reading, but when I miss a day or two, I get emails, so I suppose you are out there. But still, give it up now and then, eh? And I aim for an average of one a day, you know, like vitamins, if you miss one, you just take a couple the next day. Anyway, thanks for reading.


Paddle said...

ok here's a comment; stop whining and get back to writing... we're reading....and watching. Awecome pictures.

Paddle said...

Oh yeah, more pictures of that fantastic canoe (and maybe even that handsome guy that built it). Does he build (or do anything else) for money?

goprairie said...

"you're so vain.
i bet you think thing blog is about you
don't you
don't you
you're so vain"

Paddle said...

Check your spelling...

goprairie said...

i dob't knnow what you meen. i spelleded everthing just fiine. did you think this blog was about you?
i wonder what kind of boat that guy is making next.
i bet he could make really really nice wooden BOXES if he tried . . .
and handsome? you should see him when his curls grow out . . .

Anonymous said...

What a delightful adventure, getting to watch the creation. It'll be a house full of joy, with its construction hailed and blessed by this cheerful collaboration!