Monday, April 14, 2008

Try This

Is the sun shining where you are? If so, do this now. If not, wait until the very next time it is and do this.

Go outside. Look at the sky out there above the horizon, above the trees and the buildings. It is a pretty blue, isn't it? Now, lay down and look straight up. See how much darker blue it is? Isn't that amazing and wonderful? Now, get back to whatever you were supposed to be doing, but remember to look up at that deepest bluest part of the sky sometimes.


Anonymous said...

o this is something I love to do! It's amazing. Especially on an early spring day when the grass is just turning green and the crocuses are up.
~Little Bo Peep

Paddle said...

I tried this once. But, for the rest of my day, I had this odd smell coming from the back of my head. I should have done this before letting my border collie out...

Just kidding.